3 Kinds Of Dental Emergencies And Their Remedies
Dental problems can cause much pain if not handled promptly and appropriately. Unfortunately, some dental issues are less avoidable despite efforts to practice proper oral care. During a dental emergency, understanding what to do to reduce pain and avoid further damage is crucial. Accordingly, below are some possible dental emergencies and actions you can take to manage the situation.
Toothaches can be distressing, causing discomfort and restlessness. While you may be tempted to try enduring mild toothache for an extended period, additional issues like swelling require instant medical care. Notably, toothaches can result from tooth decay, damaged fillings, and infected gums. Thus, if the pain is persistent, book an appointment with your dental practitioner to have your teeth examined.
In an emergency, you can get recommended anti-inflammatory medicine to reduce the pain and swelling. Alternatively, you can use salt water, as it is an excellent option if you prefer a milder remedy. Swishing a salt and warm water solution clears all food particles from your mouth and helps relieve inflammation.
Broken Teeth
Applying a lot of pressure to your teeth can lead to their breakage. This means that loosening bottle tops and cutting objects using your teeth can be dangerous. A tooth may also break if you suffer a fall or accident that your mouth. In any of these scenarios, the first step should be to rinse your mouth out with warm water, as it will clean out any blood and dirt. Pain relievers can also come in handy. Additionally, apply a cold compress on the affected side of your face to reduce tenderness and swelling. Reach out to your dental practitioner and set an appointment as soon as possible.
Loss of a Crown or Filling
Your crown or filling may break, causing it to move out of position. This dental emergency requires professional treatment to restore the tooth's optimal functioning. Moreover, if the gap is visible to others, it may affect your self-confidence, so it is a good idea to have it fixed promptly.
In such a situation, you need to carefully preserve the crown or filling in a suitable bag. You can take it to the dentist for analysis as they may be able to re-cement it. Meanwhile, make a warm water and salt solution and swish it to kill bacteria in your mouth. Remember to be gentle on that area while you brush your teeth. You should also avoid chewing on the side of the exposed tooth.
For more info, contact a dentist near you.