If you have recently gone through the process of getting new porcelain veneers for your teeth, you may wonder if there is anything you can do to take care of them. If so, use the following tips to taking care of your veneers and your beautiful new smile.
Avoid Biting Your Fingernails
If you are a nail-biter, try to find a way to quit biting your fingernails. Especially if you have thicker nails, constantly using your front or side teeth to chew on them could wear down the porcelain and eventually crack it.
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Pain associated with wisdom teeth is one of the more common reasons to have them extracted from your mouth. The unnecessary teeth are not needed in humans and can cause a number of problems as they grow in and impact your mouth. As a teen, you may try to avoid the wisdom tooth extraction process, but there are several benefits to getting this process done at a young age. One of the more common benefits is to eliminate the pain associated with this procedure.
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Replacing one or more missing teeth with an implant is smart not only for your appearance, but also for your underlying dental health. While implant dentistry has a success rate of about 95 percent in most cases, certain issues may arise that cause implant failure. With proper understanding and care, you can reduce the risk of losing one of your new dental implants. Using this guide and the help of your dentist, you will understand the signs and causes of a failed implant and learn the best options for prevention.
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The summer is almost over, and that means only one thing – it's time to buy school supplies, fill backpacks, and pack lunches for the new school year. Back-to-school time is commonly the time to catch up on medical check-ups and vaccinations, so while you're at it, it's also a good time to make sure that your child's dental health doesn't get overlooked. Take a look at some back-to-school tips that can help you keep your child's teeth healthy in the upcoming school year.
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It's normal to have bad breath occasionally—like after a garlicky meal—but it's not normal to always have bad breath. If you suffer from chronic bad breath, you shouldn't rely on self-help methods like mints and gum to keep the odor under control. You could have an underlying dental condition that's causing the odor. Here are three possible causes of your chronic bad breath.
Xerostomia—the medical term for a dry mouth—can lead to bad breath.
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