An Overview Of Four Common Dental Procedures
Some dental treatments are more common than others. Below is an overview of a few common treatments.
1. Dental Cleaning
Dental cleaning is a common dental procedure because everyone needs it. Whether you have a dental or oral condition, you need dental cleaning at least twice a year. Dental cleaning is part of the semi-annual oral examination dentists advise everyone to have.
Routine cleaning is necessary to remove plaque and tartar that daily flushing and brushing don't remove. Food debris that remains on your teeth feeds bacteria that produce acid that damage on your teeth. The bacteria and debris form plaque that harden into tartar and increase your risk of gum disease.
2. Dental Filling
According to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, nearly 90% of adults between the ages of 20 and 64 have had dental decay. Various treatments, including fluoride treatments, can help arrest dental decay. However, dental fillings are the main treatment for moderate to severe dental decay.
Dental filling treatment involves using artificial materials to restore the functionality and shape of decayed or injured teeth. For example, a dentist can use dental filing to rebuild a chipped tooth after an oral accident. Dental filling materials include gold, silver amalgam, ceramics, and composites.
3. Teeth Alignment
Some years ago, a dental survey revealed that the number of people with perfect teeth alignment is less than some degree of misalignment. Granted, not everyone with dental misalignment requires treatment. The degree of misalignment, associated dental issues, and personal preference determine the need for treatment.
Dentists use different treatments for misaligned teeth, such as:
- Dental braces
- Dental retainers
- Palate expanders
- Surgery
Your misalignment extent, budget, and preferences determine the best treatment. Your dentist will guide you on the most suitable choice for your case.
4. Root Canal Treatment
According to the American Association of Endodontists, dentists use root canal treatment to save over 15 million teeth yearly. You may need root canal treatment if you have an infected pulp, the soft tissue at the root of your tooth. The pulp contains critical tooth tissues, nerves, and blood vessels. A pulp infection is painful and can cause tooth loss if not treated.
During root canal treatment, the dentist removes the infected tissues, cleans and disinfects the pulp, and then fills it with an inert material. Many people associate root canal treatment with pain, but your dentist will give you local anesthesia to numb the pain before treatment.
For more information, reach out to a local dental office.